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What to expect next...

When you come in you will be welcomed and handed a bulletin. This bulletin will outline the service; from music, to readings, to prayers. It will guide you through the service. You will see that there are two books in the book holder in front of your pew. One is the Hymnal and the other the Book of Common Prayer. We use the book of common prayer or [B.C.P], as you see in the bulletin to follow in prayers, and confession.  There are times when we kneel and when we stand. Just follow along with us and before long, you will be more comfortable with the flow. 

When we say the peace, we shake hands or hug one another as a greeting. This is only for a minute then we will sit down. 

For communion; if you are confirmed or saved you are welcome to partake in this symbol of Gods love and blessing. Should you wish to not partake you can simply cross your arms across your chest and that will let them know that you are not receiving at that time. (This is good should one be ill).

Please, stay and say hello and remember we were all once new too! We welcome you and look forward to seeing you more often. 

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